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Nicole Hudson
Nicole Hudson

Posts : 3341
Join date : 2010-08-11
Age : 28
Location : William McKinley High School

KILL THE LARGO. - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: KILL THE LARGO.   KILL THE LARGO. - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 9:42 pm

SkylaroseMalfoy wrote:

Graverobber: No problem, kid. And I would never leave you here alone the whole time. *smiles*

(XDD It's called an AIRCARD *pokes it* I got it from verizon. THATS WHERE I SAW THE DUDE THAT LOOKS LIKE THE TWILIGHT DUDE.XD And HOLY CRAP YAY! *goes to re-download it* and CHEESE IS FRAKING GOOD. XD)

*Smiles, then hears someone enter the room. It is the doctor with the cast. Bigger smile appears XD*
*Doctor puts on cast and Graves and Nicole canz go leave*

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